Lowongan Kerja Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI) Tahun 2020
Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia disingkat RCTI adalah stasiun televisi swasta pertama yang ada di Indonesia, diresmikan 24 Agustus 1989. RCTI memiliki jangkauan terluas di Indonesia, didukung oleh 48 stasiun relayn dengan program-programnya yang disaksikan oleh lebih dari 190,4 juta pemirsa yang tersebar di 478 kota di seluruh Nusantara. RCTI menayangkan berbagai program acara hiburan, informasi dan berita yang dikemas dengan menarik. Acara berita seperti Seputar Indonesia, Buletin Siang da Nuansa Pagi dikenal sangat dekat oleh sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia dan telah memenangkan beberapa penghargaan sebagai acara berita terbaik. Di samping itu, RCTI juga memiliki beberapa ajang pencarian bakat seperti Indonesian Idol, XFactor, Idola Cilik, The Master, Masterchef Indonesia yang telah memberikan kontribusi besar dalam pasar hiburan di Indonesia.
Dalam menjalankan usahanya, RCTI dituntut untuk terus berinovasi dengan tayangan menarik, hal ini dilakukan dalam rangka mensikapi sekaligus mengantisipasi persaingan bisnis di bidang industri pertelevisian di Indonesia. Selain bisa dinikmati dengan baik melalui saluran UHF, RCTI juga dapat dinikmati melalui TV kabel dan TV berbayar lain.
Saat ini RCTI membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dalam rangka mencari calon pegawai yang siap untuk bergabung sebagai karyawan perusahaan. Blog lowonganterpadu.com didirikan dengan maksud untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada para pencari kerja diseluruh Indonesia, update setiap hari.
Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja Pendaftaran Calon Karyawan Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI) Tahun 2020
1. IT Operational
- Bachelors Degree in Analytics, Computer Science, or related field.
- You have at least 3-5 years of working experience in this sector
- Excellent time management skills for planning and execution
- Excellent documentation skills for writing reports, etc.
- Experience in networking
- Education Level: S1
- Job Level: Officer
- Job Function: Application Specialist - Software / Programming
- Job Type: Contract
- Job Location: Jakarta
- Work Experience: 3 Year
2. IT Infrastructure
- Bachelors Degree in Analytics, Computer Science, or related field.
- Work experience of at least 2 years in the IT industry is required
- Experienced in using tools / frameworks for modern infrastructure provisioning, monitoring and application deployment
- Strong presentation skills and ability to communicate complex findings and ideas in plain language
- Ability to multitask
- Ability to communicate with clarity compassion
- Education Level: S1
- Job Level: Officer
- Job Function: Application Specialist - Software / Programming
- Job Type: Contract
- Job Location: Jakarta
- Work Experience: 2 Year
3. Quality Assurance
- Bachelors Degree in Analytics, Computer Science, or related field
- Minimum 2-3 years Software QA
- Strong knowledge of software QA methodologies, tools and processes
- Hands-on experience with automated testing tools
- Experience with performance and / or security testing is a plus
- Education Level: S1
- Job Level: Officer
- Job Function: Application Specialist - Software / Programming
- Job Type: Contract
- Job Location: Jakarta
- Work Experience: 2 Year
4. Principal Engineering
- Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering / Computer Science or related field
- Minimum 2-3 years software development
- Proven experience in high-level programming languages, like Java, GoLang, Python
- Proven experience in software development methodologies.
- Education Level: S1
- Job Level: Officer
- Job Function: Application Specialist - Software / Programming
- Job Type: Contract
- Job Location: Jakarta
- Work Experience: 2 Year
5. Data & Analitycs Engineering
- Bachelors Degree in Analytics, Computer Science, or related field
- 3 - 5 years experience in an Analytics Manager position or similar role is required
- Excellent communication and presentation skills.
- Results-driven and ability to handle multiple projects.
- Proficient in business intelligence tools, software, and dashboards
- Education Level: S1
- Job Level: Sr. Officer
- Job Function: Application Specialist - Software / Programming
- Job Type: Contract
- Job Location: Jakarta
- Work Experience: 3 Year
6. Department Head / Technical Lead Pilar UGC & Game
- Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering / Computer Science or related field
- Minimum 7+ years software development
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills with peers and stakeholders
- Expert and have a good exp. in Software development, mobile developer, Python, Java, GoLang, JS Stacks, object-oriented design and service-oriented architecture
- Education Level: S1
- Job Level: Manager
- Job Function: Application Specialist - Software / Programming
- Job Type: Contract
- Job Location: Jakarta
- Work Experience: 7 Year
7. Application Engineering (News & Radio+)
- Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering / Computer Science or related field.
- Minimum 2-3 years software development
- Have a good exp. in Software development, Python, Java, GoLang, JS, object-oriented design and service-oriented architecture
- Education Level: S1
- Job Level: Officer
- Job Function: Application Specialist - Software / Programming
- Job Type: Contract
- Job Location: Jakarta
- Work Experience: 2 Year
8. Application Engineering (Pilar Video)
- Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering / Computer Science or related field.
- Minimum 2-3 years software development
- Have a good exp. in Software development, Python, Java, GoLang, JS, object-oriented design and service-oriented architecture
- Education Level: S1
- Job Level: Officer
- Job Function: Application Specialist - Software / Programming
- Job Type: Contract
- Job Location: Jakarta
- Work Experience: 2 Year
9. PMO / Scrum Master
- Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering / Computer Science or related field.
- Experience in a scrum master role
- Excellent knowledge of Scrum techniques and artifacts (such as definition of done, user stories, automated testing, backlog refinement)
- Familiarity with software development
- Excellent communication and servant leadership skills
- Problem-solving and conflict-resolution ability
- Education Level: S1
- Job Level: Sr. Officer
- Job Function: Application Specialist - Software / Programming
- Job Type: Contract
- Job Location: Jakarta
- Work Experience: 2 Year
Jika anda tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi, segera daftarkan diri melalui "Apply" dibawah ini.
Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia
Daftar online Apply here
- Pelamar yang lolos seleksi administrasi akan diberitahu melalui email atau telepon resmi perusahaan
- Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi
- Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya.